Saturday 27 September 2014

White shirt.

I'm now in London and literally having the time of my life. For some who don't know, I'm a student at  the world prestigious Central Saint Martins, specialising in Fashion (Foundation).
Its great to meet people from all around the world who share the same interest and have the same goal. The workload is high and stressful, but as a result we have been creating some awesome shit.

The White Shirt project - September 2014

After projects based on research skills, we were able to start a new project focusing on garment construction and recording. The project was a great insight to how we can work on a project for more than a week. This project allowed us to explore ways in which a classic white shirt can be manipulated and deconstructed, exploring this through texture manipulation, deconstruction and drawing.
I chose to focus on texture and silhouette, rather than deconstructing a shirt and making it into a total different garment. I wanted to keep elements of a classic white shirt, yet manipulating form and texture. After lots of exploration through materials and processes, I started to record ways in which my shirt could hang on the body and off the body, and changing the environment of what a classic 'white shirt' would be seen in.

 Using innovative techniques - plaiting, weaving, and knitting with plastics, melting plastics to create texture.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Street Vibes

Recently I've been looking at articles relating to street culture, the "ghetto", and ways in which urban culture is changing our day to day existence.

Everyone has a stereotype of what 'street culture' is, I like to think of it as a platform expressing personal appearance, I've walked around Shoreditch many times and the diversity of fashion, art, and culture is so inspiring.

Below are some images from a recent project.

                                                 Car Park Vibes

Trousers - Daniel Moore

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Throwback to an old Project..

Okay I'm going to be honest, I've slacked a lot and its only been a week! Thank you to all for the lovely emails and messages complimenting my blog.
I have been recently working in preparation for London Fashion Week, working in Studio and with PR teams organising some awesome shit for our clients during their London Fashion Week shows - 4 weeks Friday! I have a post already lined up for this, so stay tuned!

Now to show one of my all time favourite projects. This was an extension of my A-level work. A-levels are very boring, very dry, and can be very uncreative to what I'm used to. I decided to carry on my own project, the outcome has been great!

I'm not one of those that will write 20 paragraphs telling you what my work is when you can already see it for yourselves - so check it out!

To see more of my work, follow me on Instagram @Daniel_Kmoore

Thursday 7 August 2014


When my Gran dug out some photos of my mum's childhood I was keen to discover more about the things she witnessed on a day to day life. I have recently been obsessing over TV adverts from the 60's and 70's - everyone was so much more playful and unconscious of what they looked like, life was happy as many say!
The colour in the TV adverts, commercials (what ever you want to call them) was very dull which led me to experiment with enhancing colours and taking inspiration from modern TV colour today, as well as contrasting the dull colours from the 60/70's.
Vintage vibes post from my Instagram


          "Make everything shiny, with
           high - active PERSIL"

           Shiny clothes.

Shiny teeth


 - No this is not something out of Hairspray

Shiny shoes.

Follow my Instagram for more Crazy REALNESS @Daniel_Kmoore

Sunday 3 August 2014

Peruvian Vibeszszsz..].[..]..[[

Today I'm showing you some sketchbook pages from a recent project I've done based on Peru. Colour, texture, and graphics's is the fundamental base to this project - oozing innovative techniques and unusual references.

I started to look at primary images collected from Peru, women's outfits, craft, textiles and surrounding environments. This has influenced my idea of colour and the juxtaposition of fabrics.

Silhouette and print research.

Contrasting effects of print and texture.

Further research and development - MORE ILLUSTRATIONS!

Day to day life.

I started to use techniques such as making silicone fabrics by melting plastics and moulding them into exciting, unusual shapes.

My mini collection of Peruvian garments is now complete, a post will be coming soon showing modern plastics in all its glory!

Follow my Instagram to see my creative process on a daily Basis!